
Logo/Avatar by aava.maatta on Instagram Background by w4sting.4way on Instagram

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Unholy Beginnings

Good Evening Sicko's and Psycho's,
I am J.S and I will be the main voice behind Crow's Tombstone

My plan for this blogspot is simple. I want to voice my opinions on the music I come across, people I meet and/or work with during my tenure in different scenes all across the board, I also plan to post reviews of new songs I come across and possibly conduct some interviews with the people behind what we hear and see live. But before we get into the blood and meat of things, I want to more formally introduce the voice behind this project.

So as I stated at the very start of this post, the moniker I go here by is J.S, I am a guitarist and vocalist in a solo project of my own and have had a few different musical ventures in the past 5 years ranging from Psychedelic Rock to Black Metal. I also plan to get a proper touring band together at some point, as well as work with other musicians in the scenes I inhabit. 

[If you think we could make something together, feel free to send me a message on my Instagrams (@crows_tombstone, @w4sting.4way) or send me a mail at]

My taste in music is very wide and I enjoy pretty much every genre under the sun from Jazz to Grindcore, Pop to Country and beyond, however this little tomb of mine shall focus mainly on Rock, Metal and it's various subgenres, with the occasional Country post strewn about in the midst if I feel it is something people would be interested in among all the other genres and their respective listeners.

But without further ado, The Crow's Tombstone has been visited, stop by again to hear the latest screams and dreams. I will try my best to post once a week, or once every two weeks with something new.

With the grave's cold regards. - J.S

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